
Chinese commercial aircraft complete demo flights in Xinjiang

Chinese commercial aircraft complete demo flights in Xinjiang

2023-09-28 13:00:06 来源:中新网新疆

  (ECNS) --An ARJ21 regional aircraft and two large C919 passenger jets have successfully completed a series of demonstration flights in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, according to Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd (COMAC)。 

  The demonstration flights of the three aircraft lasted one month and covered all 25 transport airports in Xinjiang, proving their adaptability to local conditions。

  COMAC said the ARJ21 conducted 184 test flights along feeder routes,including the longest east-west route from Hami to Kashgar, the longest north-south one from Keriya to Kanas, and the shortest from Yining to Zhaosu。 The aircraft averaged 9.2 hours of daily flight time, with a peak of 13.5 hours, accumulating in a total of 276 hours。

An ARJ21 aircraft conducts a demonstration flight in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region。 (Photo / China News Service)

  During the demonstration flights, the ARJ21 flew nine times to TashikuerganHongqilafu Airport, the highest altitude airportin Xinjiang, fully verifyingits flexibility to airport procedures and high-altitude operation。 Besides, passing Tianshan Mountainon the Yining-Hotanroute with a minimum safe altitude of 5,386 meters,theplane demonstrateditssingle-engine deceleration and drift-down capabilities。

  COMAC also conducted extensive testing amid adverse weather conditionsincluding engine protection in sandy weather, stopping in high winds, and operatingin cold weather。

  The large C919 aircraft flew to nine airports within Xinjiangbased in Urumqi, totaling 41 flight legs。 This comprehensive evaluation validated its compatibility with routes and airport operations, confirming its safety, versatility, and capacity for full-load operations。 

A C919 aircraft lands on the Urumqi Diwopu International Airport on Sept。 24, 2023, after completing a series of demonstration flights in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region。 (Photo / China News Service)

  Xinjiang, China‘s largest provincial-level administrative region, boasts a vast land, complex terrain, and abundant tourist attractions。 

  As a highly adaptable regional aircraft, theARJ21 possesses excellent performance in takeoff and landing at high-temperature, high-altitude airports, as well as exceptional crosswind capabilities, making it well-suited to Xinjiang’s regional and climate characteristics。 Its planned large-scale operation will help optimize civil aviation transport within the region and further enhance connectivity across air routes。

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