
Traditional Shehuo parade held in NW China's Xinjiang

Traditional Shehuo parade held in NW China's Xinjiang

2023-02-11 18:01:46 来源:Ecns.cn

A traditional Shehuo parade was held in Toli County, Tacheng Prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. The old ladies with an average age of 75 in the parade performed Kazakh folk dance and scattered candies to visitors.

Folk-custom teams composed of people from more than 10 different ethnic groups, such as Kazakhs, Uyghurs, and Mongols, who wore beautiful national costumes and played Dombra and accordion.

Tacheng Prefecture is located in the northwest Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, which is a multi-ethnic area. There are Han, Hui, Kazakhs, Uyghurs, Mongols, Russians, and other ethnic groups living here, and different cultures of all ethnic groups blend here to form unique ethnic customs.

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