
Village basketball competition adds vitality to small town in NW China's Xinjiang

Village basketball competition adds vitality to small town in NW China's Xinjiang

2023-12-18 13:31:26 来源:Ecns.cn

Abdu Salam, a young basketball player, is from Boxireke Township in Yecheng County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. As the Village basketball competition, also known as the "Cun BA", is gaining popularity in China, his dream of becoming a basketball player has come true.  

Boxireke Township has become full of vitality because of the development of rural sports, winning championships in consecutive 12 years.  

A group of young and passionate basketball players have been united together as a strong team in Boxireke Township. Now, they are aiming at winning a national championship for their hometown, Abdu Salam said.

(Reporter: Li Mingfei   Editor: Ma Yuxuan)

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