
Int'l ski resort sees surging tourist in NW China's Koktokay

Int'l ski resort sees surging tourist in NW China's Koktokay

2023-12-05 23:39:21 来源:Ecns.cn

A growing number of travelers have visited the international ski resort in Koktokay in Fuyun County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.  

The ski resort in Koktokay is very popular among tourists, which attracts snow lovers from all over the world to ski and enjoy the snowy wonderland here. According to statistics, the tourist attraction received over 2,000 skiers in a single day.  

"I was impressed by Koktokay's magnificent scenery. The snow path is very smooth. After arriving in Koktokay, I no longer want to travel abroad for skiing, a visitor from Hebei Province told China News Service.

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