
First 'Tianshan' China-Europe freight train launched in Xinjiang

First 'Tianshan' China-Europe freight train launched in Xinjiang

2023-12-05 23:40:35 来源:Ecns.cn

A new China-Europe (China-Central Asia) freight train named "Tianshan" departed from the Urumqi International Land Port Area in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on Saturday. It is the first self-owned brand of China-Europe (China-Central Asia) freight train operated in Xinjiang.  

The train was laden with household appliances, mechanical equipment, raisins and other goods, worth a total of $10.026 million and weighing more than 954 tons, heading for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The initial stage of operation will see 2 to 3 trains operating per week.  

The launch of the "Tianshan" freight train marks another step after the unveiling of the Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ), the first in China's northwestern border regions.  

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