
Machines revolutionize cotton harvest in Xinjiang

Machines revolutionize cotton harvest in Xinjiang

2023-11-02 20:08:32 来源:Ecns.cn

Modern machines and advanced technologies were spotted revolutionizing cotton harvest in a 3,000-mu "super cotton field" in Yuli County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on Tuesday.  

Yuli County is one of the major hubs for cotton cultivation in Xinjiang , with more than 90% of its arable land dedicated to cotton production.  

In 2017, Yuli County promoted its leading agricultural enterprises to sign land transfer agreements with farmers, allowing cotton farmers to embrace diversified economic models.  

China's Xinjiang has entered its large-scale cotton harvest period this year, with the picking expected to conclude in early November. As forecasted, this year's cotton production in Xinjiang is expected to exceed 5 million tons.  

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